Sarah Hurley

Western Massachusetts · [LinkedIn Profile] · [GitHub Profile]


  • Technical Skills: [List of skills]
  • Soft Skills: [List soft skills, e.g., communication, leadership, teamwork]


GIS Analyst

Connecticut GIS Office – Hartford, CT
June 2023Present

Environmental Analyst

Connecticut Department of Enrgy and Environmental Protection – Hartford, CT
April 2020June 2023


Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, M.S., 2018
University of Connecticut - Storrs, CT

Ecology and Environmental Biology, B.S., 2017 University of Connecticut - Storrs, CT


[Project Name]

  • Brief description of the project, your role, and technologies used.
  • [Include a link to the project or repository if available.]

[Project Name]

  • Brief description of the project, your role, and technologies used.
  • [Include a link to the project or repository if available.]

Volunteer Experience (Optional)


[Organization Name] – [City, State]
[Start Date][End Date]

  • Brief description of your contributions and impact.


  • Mountain biking, skiing, hiking